Tuesday, September 15, 2009


In the current educational environment, being aware of effective processes, procedures and plans to improve student employability and workforce readiness is seen as central to improving individual, organisational and national performance and global competitiveness. In this context, e-learning is rapidly becoming an innovative platform for new teaching strategies and learning techniques aimed at improving workforce capability.

Four New Zealand regional centres (Whangarei, Greymouth, Invercargill and Hamilton) have a greed to hold symposia on effective practice in the use of ICT and e-learning applications in vocational education and training. These are to be held in October 2009. The focus of these symposia will be on examples of regional, national and international best practice in the use of e-learning in increasing student readiness for employment with a special focus on issues faced by organisations in regional locations

These regional symposia will

· Feature a key note presentation by Dr Sue Bennett Associate Professor of Education at Wollongong University in Australia and a recognised expert practitioner in the field

· Provide opportunities to showcase regional e-learning initiatives in vocational education and training.

· Explore frameworks and models designed to iteratively improve the e-learning capability of individual organisations.

In each centre, the one day symposium will be supplemented with practical workshops. Although these workshops will be focused on e-learning design and e-learning capability they will be tailored to meet the specific needs of the host region.


  1. The challenge of e-learining is made very real when the technology and access to it leaves an area behind because access is so limited. The new broadband is being rolled out down the coast, but access to it for our primary export earners, is not available. Now the dial up modems are being phased out as consumer items.
    The first to experience the singularity of technology will be the West Coast.

  2. I want to explore frameworks and models designed to iteratively improve the e-learning capability of individual organisations.
